Our engineering team will help you modify your patterns.
All of our parts are made in the USA with various partners across the country.
No, just plug the hole to use the mold without RimRiser.
- D&L Foundry (Moses Lake, WA)
- US Foundry (Medley, FL)
- Columbia Precast Products (Woodland, WA)
- Rogue Valley Precast (White City, OR)
- Wilbert Precast (Yakima, WA)
- National Precast (Vancouver, WA)
Typically, it costs less than $1,000, which includes the cost of 4 reusable formers, labor, and materials. RimRiser provides technical and hands on support.
Based on field testing, RimRiser has demonstrated installation is 10X faster than the average or traditional install.
10 days or less.
We warranty the product to be free of defects when used in accordance with instructions.
⦁ RimRiser makes metal castings and precast tops simple, safe, fast and accurate to install.
⦁ RimRiser products are installed using standard tools.
⦁ Contractors love the product.
⦁ Municipalities and DOTs are excited about RimRiser and have added it to their Qualified Products Lists (QPLs) and standard details.
⦁ Maintenance crews prefer RimRiser for their repairs and new installs.
⦁ Municipalities are now specifying RimRiser.
Please check our Municipality Approvals and State Approvals pages to see our current list of formal approvals. If you don’t see your state or municipality of interest, please call us at (360) 833-2277 or send us your request via our contact form here
Grout around the screws as you would with traditional shims. See our install guides.
Holes can be plugged or filled with grout if desired.